Yeah, the madness of WhatsApp is still intact. AZWhatsApp 10.40 is now assisted by the producer known as Sam Mods, who runs alternate versions of most popular Android apps such as Snapchat, Twitter and WhatsApp (Mr. Zuckerberg must be pleased).
It's a WhatsApp version that intends to include more than official development possibilities and features. Many users already have the options necessary to carry out their main function of sending and speaking files to our contacts in an instant messaging application par excellence. But others always want more and prefer to use other software types even though that means less safety and less safety.
Core features of the AZWhatsApp 2 This WhatsApp MOD includes hundreds of interesting options but only the most important are to be looked at. However, the first thing which strikes our eyes, either for good or bad, is its interface, with several red tones, that is sure to make you scream when you're a designer.
A translator for our communications is included.
We can download themes from our server.
Various styles of blue control and bubble.
You should submit 50 MB of videos rather than 16 Gb.
Instead of 139, our rank can be increased to 250.
User stories can be downloaded.
Can we Allow
Specifications of AZWhatsApp
Platform: AndroidDeveloper: Sam Mods
Version: 10.40
Size: 53.5 MB
Download link: Click here
Licence: Freeware
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