WhatsApp Alaskar 4.65 is the world's most widely used chat and message app. It has about two billion active users, according to its managers, and they are not all satisfied with it, although they use it. Others, such as Telegram or LINE, offer more flexibility and features, even though it is unlikely that any other application is being used by many, given the millions of WhatsApp users.
- Duration of status up to 5 minutes.
- Messages are sent to 250 people rather than just 5.
- The opportunity to recover the first message in a conversation.
- You should mark the state as seen previously.
- New emojis. New emojis.
- ALWA is just another alternative to chat and send personalized messages when it comes to applications.
Specifications of WhatApp Alaskar
Platform: AndroidDeveloper: Al Askar
Version: 4.65
Size: 57.0 MB
Download link: Click here
Licence: Freeware
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