RAWhatsApp is a WhatsApp MOD that gives users customization options that the standard version does not include, as well as increased privacy protection of WhatsApp Messenger, the most commonly used instant messaging and chat service in the world with 2,000 million users (according to owner company Facebook) that does not please all. For this reason, there are many MODs (modified versions of the app) that make those features more customizable. You'll consider the RAWhatsApp among these MODs.
Many Disney-like WhatsApp If you're looking for a cheesy version of WhatsApp, grab RAWA. In fact, when you first open it, what catches your eye is the gui and its Minnie Mouse theme. Yet he did.
Specifications of RAWhatApp
Platform: AndroidDeveloper: Ridwan Arifin
Version: 8.25
Size: 41.4 MB
Download link: Click here
Licence: Freeware
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