quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2020

Bihar Corona Sahayata 2.03 - Download for Android APK

Bihar Corona Sahayata 2.03 - Download for Android APK

App Name, App Size, Download Version, Latest Version, Developed By, Require System,
Bihar Corona Sahayata APK 14 MB v2.03 1.0 aapda.bih.nic.in Android 5.0 +

What is Bihar Corona Sahayata App

Bihar Corona Sahayata Software aapda.bih.nic.in: Bihar Government decided to provide Bihar Corona Sahayata to all the people affected to combat the COVID-19 affecting this crises in the State and to help the citizens in need during the current lock-up. Citizens need to download from here the Bihar Corona Sahayata Device APK.

Centered on this plan, the State Government would assist Bihar people who are stuck outside the State. We also listed in this article the download path to Bihar Corona Sahayata Device, how to download and update aapda.bih.nic.in-all the way to Device

Features of Bihar Corona Sahayata App

1)  Just one adhaar number and one smartphone no login will be required here.

2)  A previously used Aadhaar and mobile number can not be used again for authentication.

3)  The image or self-self should be clearly shown and suit the photo on the Aadhaar sheet.

4)   OTP is sent to the user's mobile number to verify during registration of the Bihar Corona 
      Sahayata device.

5)  After all ̈ can only be submitted to the recipient bank account.

6)  At the time of enrollment, applicants will fill out credible details.

7)  The picture and copy of Aadhaar must be duly uploaded and records should be reasonably            transparent.

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